Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Last weekend Dustin, the owner of The Front in SLC, flew out to meet with the land owner and his general contractor for specific buildout requirements. It was a very productive meeting and we have hopes to have final costs for these buildouts by the end of next week. Luckily, the buildout needs are quite simple since we are going to have somewhere in the range of 100 linear feet of sick bouldering.

Vertical Solutions, our wall manufacturer, has committed build time for sometime in April or May for transporting the tradeshow walls up to Boise and building the transitions. We're trying to decide on whether we should put on a concrete finish, or keep the unique "woody" look The Front is known for. Thoughts?

Everyday we're making progress towards the creation of this gym. We're convinced we've flushed out the major costs, found a great location, and have a very exciting wall design. What's left is your support. In today's tough economic climate, we can't sign a lease until we have 100 Founding Members. Founding Members receive exceptional pricing on memberships, and the pricing will never change as long as the membership is active. Better yet, Founding Members help bring this gym to fruition. A small price to pay for such a great community addition. Please request membership documentation, and join. We have until March 15th to gather the needed Founding Members.

Projected Opening Date: June 1st


mono said...

I heard that the lacquer finish on the walls was smooth to the touch (ie. no splinters) but provided awesome friction with rubber. Is that true? If so, definitely don't cover it in cement!

The Front Climbing Club - Boise said...

The finish on the wall is a clear, or lightly tinted, textured sealant. Its got great friction, but is clear and let's the grain of the wood show. Its Vertical Solutions core product, and is the same type wall that is found at The Front in SLC.